8 steps before launching the development of the WebRTC application.

Many companies have been using online communication methods for a long time. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the user base for video streaming and chat apps has increased dramatically. Naturally, it is not surprising to see entrepreneurs and small business owners investing in the development of WebRTC programs. There is much to be gained from such a business owner’s solution, after all.

Meet and interact with live video has become very popular in many programs in various industries. With real-time engagement with live video, hundreds and thousands of businesses have been able to transform the way they work. Today, businesses, telemedicine forums, online educational forums, entertainment, and sports forums, event venues, online trading, and everything else in between, use the power of WebRTC technology to establish real-time communication through mobile applications.

If you are looking for a WebRTC application development company, it can be assumed that you have a project that you wish to pass on to digital agency professionals. Now, it would not be wise to start development without making some important decisions. These decisions will determine the skills your application will have, as well as the user experience you hope to provide to your customers. In addition, your decisions will ensure a profitable future for your delivery and the effort you need to make to maintain and renew the services you will provide at your request.

This is why this article will include information about points that need your attention when planning your WebRTC project. You will also learn about a few common problems associated with this technology and how you can solve them to improve communication in real-time.

While you will be using the company’s WebRTC development services, it is thought that you will build your solution with the open WebRTC application. Then again, you should take a moment to explore PaaS platforms, such as AWS Chime and Agora as they can provide great durability, as well as advanced RTC SDKs. They are compatible with a wide variety of browsers and devices. As a result, the highlighted features of this post will reveal how PaaS platforms like Agora handle live videos.

Before you start WebRTC Application

Now, before you hire the best web communications service providers in real-time, you need to look at equity as there is an important role you can play in making the WebRTC project a success.

Mesh Architecture allows every participant in a single video room to send and receive audio, video, and data related to their connection. They can share these items with all other participants. It means that when you connect with five different people, you will have five open connections. The problem with WebRTC is that it will not measure properly if you use it this way.

If you allow more users, you will have to deal with bandwidth and CPU issues. There is a solution to this problem, of course. You will need a media server that can share the video between the participants. By using this strategy, you will have the opportunity to use advanced features, such as integrating your WebRTC solution with other technologies. You will also be able to process the video stream. Media servers will help you solve the problem of balancing participation, but the power of these servers is limited as well. In some cases, you may need to switch to another server, other than the one you already have. As the number of participants increases, you will need to maintain a media server, which can be a daunting task. If the media servers are not cheating, you should turn to API platforms.

API platforms are nothing but a collection of servers and client development resources. They can provide you with everything you need to build a WebRTC solution. All API forums will come together to perform basic server-side tasks, including session communication, signing up for contacts, and maintaining media flow across all versions of network addresses and locations. These APIs have a multi-team recording, communication, streaming, and third-party integration to support identity management and other capabilities. In contrast, API forums on the client-side SDK will provide support for standard mobile devices and browsers specifically designed for desktops. Basically, these forums allow you to focus only on the business concept. API forums will handle complex tasks for measuring and maintaining a WebRTC solution. They provide you with a client-side SDK, without having to set up a media server to ensure you can run your WebRTC project successfully.

Real-time web communications agencies suggest using WebRTC’s most common API platforms that can support and rate approximately one million participants. Just remember that the use of your business will define this feature.

  • Twilio
  • Agora
  • Red5Pro
  • Vonage

Here are a few other widely used open-source API platforms.

  • Janus
  • Pion
  • FreeSwitch
  • Jitsi
  • MediaSoup
  • Asterisk
  • Kurento


WebRTC development experts will remove many of the complexities associated with building an app. However, you will have a few decisions to make while managing most moving parts. In the meantime, it would not be wrong to say that these WebRTC technologies have the potential to promote almost any business. It is one of the main reasons why many businesses around the world are already using it, including emerging startups and established MNCs. However, it all depends on how you use the system. If you want to do it right, you must pay attention to the following factors.

1. Compatibility with the device

In the field of mobile devices, WebRTC solutions are not as popular as in the desktop field. Since mobile gadgets work differently, advanced webRTC engineers need to create something different. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic-driven world of Earl. One person uses an iOS phone to video chat and another joins it using Google Chrome. In such cases, communication problems will appear sooner rather than later. It is possible to fix the problem if you can not identify the device quickly and move forward accordingly.

2. Browser compatibility

All browsers do not have WebRTC features. At the very least, they can implement those features simultaneously. Similarly, a few browsers may allow WebRTC features to work in one but not another. In that case, you can choose to display a warning message to your users to check whether the WebRTC functionality will be accessible to that particular browser or not. By doing so, you will be managing the situation accordingly.

3. Problems regarding device permission

When designing and developing a WebRTC web solution, you can use APIs to gain access to smartphones and computers with microphones and cameras. You may end up having device authorization issues, especially if one of the participants does not allow the other device to communicate with it in real-time. You can resolve this issue on the previous call screen.

4. Network problems

Incoming networks affect WebRTC solutions significantly. Even the performance of high-end webRTC developers will decrease if the network connection is not strong enough. Users will inevitably experience problems when both video and audio calls work well in one location but quickly degrade in another. You can solve this problem by increasing the bandwidth and setting the appropriate video codec. With the Agora SDK, you can create a few functions that will help create bandwidth and bring a smoother experience.

5. Recording a session

You will not be able to provide a recording service if you are using the WebRTC API for browsers. When it comes to recording a session, you will need to configure the media server first. After all, the server-side will handle recording requirements. With the Agora SDK, you can offer a collection of REST APIs that will allow users to record and save a session for later use.

6. It cannot change

There will be situations where you have to offer different properties based on how the business uses WebRTC. When you turn to different parts of the UI for different layouts, you may not be able to give your users a seamless feel. You must use only one UI component in all properties. By doing so, you will improve the user experience.

7. Extended delays

If you are going to use the WebRTC contextual API for your project, you will need to tolerate minor delays during streaming. Delays depend on the processing power of the media server, as well as its efficiency. In order to provide the best for your users, you should consider using third-party systems with pre-programmed live streaming delays. For Agora, the lowest delay is a guarantee.

8. Live RTMP streaming

It will be challenging to add the live streaming URL to the video conference using WebRTC. For example, if you hope to include your live video released on Vimeo at the WebRTC conference, you will face problems. Fortunately, with the Agora SDK, you will have the option to install this functionality.

Last Words

When it comes to building WebRTC solutions, the forums mentioned in this post, which includes the Agora, should be part of your technical stack. You already know about the features offered by Agora. So, consider hiring an app development company that uses Agora to build WebRTC solutions.
