The world is captivated by Tablets and Smartphones

The world is captivated by Tablets and Smartphones

It’s not a secret this: the entire world has fallen (BUY FACEBOOK LIKES UK)obsessed with tablets and smartphones. You’re more likely to be reading this article on an iPad or smartphone than on a desktop or laptop (at least, according to statistics). Despite the astonishingly rapid growth of mobile phones – seemingly in minutes, it’s not difficult to grasp.

We live in a time in which we require the Internet to be accessible to us as well as tablets and smartphones can now offer an uninterrupted (and much more effective) electronic experience than heavy desktops and laptops. It’s fun to think about how the next generation’s kids will look at computer towers in the same way we do televisions with tubes and rabbit ears (with an underlying doubt that they’re ever high-end devices).

Without more delay, let’s guide you through WSI’s latest infographic to see how obsessed the world is with tablets and smartphones:

WSI World Blog The World is in love with Smartphones and Tablets. Image 1.

Nowadays, most people use smartphones or tablets within just a few feet every day. This doesn’t mean that they are using mobile devices frequently (they do) but also that these devices are part of us. Like an arm or leg. Really, how strange were you when you last forgot your phone when you left home? BUY FACEBOOK LIKES UK

Most likely, it was so bizarre that you returned to retrieve it. It’s just not right with that phone buddy at your side. These are just a few examples; however, if this is actually how people feel about their smartphones, wouldn’t you think it’s wise to incorporate tablets and smartphones in the future strategies for marketing? Since we do.

WSI World Blog: The World is In Love With Smartphones and Tablets Image 2.

This figure could be outdated when we write this article because of how quickly smartphones are spreading. In 2013, one out of 7 people around the world had smartphones. That’s almost 1.5 billion smartphone users, and the numbers increase each day.


As more and more people adopt smartphones, the amount of time a user spends using their smartphone also increases. This implies one thing: if your customers are spending long hours on their smartphones, that’s the best time to be making sure you are sending your messages in the best possible way and at the highest quality.

WSI World Blog The World is in love with Smartphones And Tablets Image 3

Remember when we used to declare that if a business had no online presence and customers walked by your physical location without even realizing that it existed? Today, 25 percent of searches and clicks (again, an amount that’s likely increasing) originate from mobile devices, and we’d like to change the assertion. If you’re not considering mobile as a potential marketing channel, you’re in danger of being left behind by your competitors.

If this isn’t enough evidence, believe how much the population of mobile-only users is growing…everywhere. Whatever location you are operating your business, you shouldn’t expect you’ll get the right device you’d like to use to read your electronic messages. BUY FACEBOOK LIKES UK

A growing number of customers are only using their mobile devices. What do you need to do to ensure your online presence is the same on all platforms?

WSI World Blog The World is In Love With Smartphones and Tablets. Image 4

According to a study done by Google, 57% of people wouldn’t ever think of suggesting a business with an unprofessional mobile website. What’s unique about mobile users and Internet users as a whole is that they’re not extremely patient or understanding. You only have one chance to create memorable impressions; If you don’t, you’ll likely lose the customer forever (and possibly even their family and friends). BUY FACEBOOK LIKES UK

Another indication of the increasing importance of mobile in online marketing can be seen in the number of dollars it adds to the national economy. 2012 saw the first time that mobile-based marketing was responsible for $139 billion in the US economy. In 2015, that figure will rise by $400 billion. The math is easy.

The previous section of the infographic above is relevant because it indicates that mobile phones are used almost everywhere, but they’re the most popular in the home. On the surface, it would seem that the house is the location where mobile phones are most frequently used (because of the presence of a desktop at home).

More than any other statistic that shows that we use smartphones in our homes is a clear indication of the mobile’s role shortly. Do you want to embrace this new technology by incorporating mobile phones into your marketing strategy? We’d like to believe so.

Here’s the entire mobile marketing goodness in full form along with embed code to make use of (copy the embed code).

