SEO for e-commerce: 4 essential things to know

Optimizing e-commerce is essential to appear among the first results of the search engine. Here are some valuable tips.

Positioning on search engines is essential for almost all sites, especially for e-commerce.

Online stores need potential customers to walk in through their virtual door and look at the merchandise, then fill the cart and go to the checkout to pay with one last click.

This simple reasoning leads to a logical conclusion: SEO.

Here are four things you need to know if you want to be successful with your webshop.

The Topic Of This Post

  •  1. Keywords for e-commerce: the basis of SEO
  •  2. On-site SEO for e-commerce: technical elements not to be overlooked
  •  3. External and internal links weigh on the e-commerce ranking
  • 4. Eliminate technical problems in e-commerce

Keywords for e-commerce: the basis of SEO

The search for keywords (keyword research) is essential to create optimized e-commerce and structured to make navigation easier and conversions.

The work of selecting keywords must be careful because focusing on the wrong ones means undermining the foundations of the online store.

This is because keywords must be used strategically to define the categories and subcategories of e-commerce, but also for product pages and the fundamental ones, for example, the homepage.

Furthermore, it must be considered that keyword research is also necessary to develop content to be published in the eventual blog connected to the shop, which can attract the target The Target is consequently also … right and guide it, information after information, until the purchase.

It is not enough to consider only the keywords, but the search intent of the user who types one must be considered query. Whenever we look for something on an engine … on Google to receive a response regarding a product or service they want to buy.

Research intentions must be recognized and selected :

  • Informational (or informational)
  • Transactional
  • Navigational

All these fundamental activities for e-commerce SEO are performed by specialists who synergistically use specific tools and their analytical spirit.

On-site SEO for e-commerce: technical elements not to be overlooked

The on-site (or on-page) Search Engine Optimization of a virtual shop necessarily involves taking care of the formal aspects.

As with any other type of site, even in e-commerce, they must be optimized :

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Contents
  • Images
  • Loading speed
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Mobile version

To attract the attention of the user scrolling the SERPs are web pages served to users when …not only the position in which the site appears is important but so are the Tag Title and the Meta Description. These two elements, together with the URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator. 

The content on e-commerce must be SEO Friendly to please Google and be useful to people who search the web.

The keywords must be carefully inserted in the H1, H2, H3 of the texts to make clear the main theme of the page and the topics connected to it.

The optimization also concerns images, essential for selling something on online stores but, sometimes, not used to facilitate the search engine. You have to enter the keywords in the Title Tag, the title of the image, and write truthful descriptions of the content in the Alt Tag, the alternative text.

The photographs that are uploaded to e-commerce also have a decisive influence on the loading speed of the pages, for this reason, the size of the images must also be taken care of.

As for UX in general, it is important to remember that it has become a factor in ranking. In SEO, Ranking refers to the position in the ranking of search engines such as Google. Get a good ranking for relevant keywords for …for Google (from May 2021). The sites, and therefore also the e-commerce, are also evaluated based on characteristics concerning the user experience, for this reason, we discuss the Google Page Experience.

Given the ever-increasing use of smartphones and tablets to surf the internet, the on-site optimization of online stores must focus on mobile versions. Non-mobile-first e-commerce loses many sales opportunities, often it loses all of them.

External and internal links weigh on the e-commerce ranking

One of the main factors that are analyzed by Google to establish the positioning of a site in the SERP is the number of backlinks

This ranking factor is also vital for e-commerce, because the more quality links come from the outside, the greater the authority in the eyes of the search engine king.

The Link Building becomes an asset not to be overlooked if you want to see grow the volume of traffic on the pages of your online store.

The best way to start a strategy focused on winning backlinks, especially if e-commerce has been around for some time, is to perform an audit to understand in the meantime whether the links come from authoritative or low-qualified sites, but also to discover broken links or leading to incorrect pages.

You should not only pay attention to external links, but also to internal ones. Appropriately linking an in-depth page or a product from an e-commerce content improves navigation and, since this helps users, Google also likes it.

Internal links are important when used to give tangible benefits to users, so they must be chosen as appropriate anchor text. An example of anchor text The anchor text …and consistent landing pages. We must not stuff the e-commerce with internal links, because using them without criteria could be counterproductive.

Eliminate technical problems from e-commerce

E-commerce is almost always made up of many, many, pages and always having everything under control is not easy, but this does not mean that it is tolerable to ignore some technical problems.

Again, constant analysis is required to eliminate errors. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Duplicate content
  • Duplicate Title Tag and Meta Description
  • Broken links
  • Poor page loading speed
  • Wrong or missing use of canonical and noindex tags

Each of the items on the list can cause a worsening of positioning in the SERP, with the consequent effects of loss of traffic and a decrease in sales.

Using tools to perform audits and having the appropriate know-how, it is possible to avoid the penalties of Google and, indeed, to arrive among the first results when a potential customer type queries relating to what e-commerce offers.

Search Engine Optimization is a set of activities that must be used wisely and thinking about the characteristics of each project. Relying on a qualified team for insurance e-commerce SEO is equivalent to making an excellent investment for the future of your web sales business.

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