Reheating Coffee: Everything You Should Know

We all had a time when the coffee got cold.

Maybe you were in a hurry and didn’t have time to finish, or you made your coffee sooner. Is it okay to warm the coffee?

The Science Behind Heat And Coffee

At the end we have shared the best place to buy coffee beans online UK. Before we get into how to heat coffee, we need to understand the heat and the chemistry behind coffee. The heat changes the composition of the green coffee beans during the roasting and brewing process, affecting the flavour and bitterness of the coffee. Green coffee beans contain more than 1,000 compounds. There are usually two types of connections.

The first is a non-volatile compound containing caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

The second is a volatile compound contributing to the flavours and aroma notes that make great coffee. Heat decomposes non-volatile compounds during the roasting process, effectively producing many of the volatile compounds found in coffee. The problem is that volatile compounds are volatile and tend to burn out as coffee is roasted longer. Therefore, the longer the coffee is roasted, the more these special flavour notes tend to disappear in preference to other flavours.

For this reason, light roasting has a more pronounced flavour and aroma of volatile compounds, while dark roasting has a roasted and burnt taste. Brewing coffee brings another change to the chemistry of coffee.

The hot water extracts certain coffee compounds into cups. Removing suitable compounds (i.e. volatile compounds) and avoiding other compounds is about making good coffee.

Too much heat will result in excessive extraction of unwanted compounds such as chlorogenic acid. Therefore, proper water temperature for brewing coffee is critical.

These chlorogenic acids are the cause of bitterness in our coffee.

How to Properly Reheat Coffee

It is always advisable to brew coffee with fresh beans and drink immediately, but this is not always possible.

In some situations, it may be necessary to warm the morning cup.

To heat coffee properly, use the minimum amount of heat required to bring the coffee to a warm temperature.

This avoids adverse chemical reactions as much as possible. Heat coffee evenly at low temperatures.

Also, heat the coffee to a moderate temperature of 60o C (140o F).

This temperature is lower than the temperature of freshly brewed coffee and usually comes out around 75 ° C (167 ° F). It has been found that low temperatures soften most chemical changes, and most people even prefer a temperature of 60 ° C (140 ° F) to bring out the best flavour of the coffee. Here are two specific ways to warm your coffee while maintaining its good flavour and aroma.

Reheating Coffee by Stove

If you notice that your coffee is cold, don’t worry. One of the best ways to make it for you is to reheat it on the stove.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Pour the coffee from the cup into a small pot.
  • Heat the coffee until it gets stuffy. Do not boil the coffee.
  • Then put the coffee back in the mug (preferably not porcelain, as freshly reheated coffee may be too hot to hold in the mug).

This method of heating the drink keeps the compounds and oils intact and reduces the acid that makes the drink bitter. However, this method should be done immediately. If you brew coffee, put it in a cup for an hour and a half, and then try to reheat it, it may taste unpleasant.

Reheating Coffee by Microwave

Reheating the coffee using the microwave is another option. However, to follow this route, you will need to change some settings on your machine to maintain the quality of the brew.

The best way to heat coffee in the microwave is:

  • Set microwave power to 80% (or medium)
  • Put a mug that can be used in the microwave inside
  • Heat the coffee at 30-second intervals and check the temperature after each cycle

Doing this at 30-second intervals reduces the chance of the drink burning. Reducing power also reduces the situation where drinks are bitter, but this can still occur.

To combat the bitterness caused by heating in the microwave, many hide the taste by hiding the taste with cream, milk, or half and a half later.

TheHotSip is highly recommended for all coffee products.
